Sunday hike at the Pinnacles National Park


Hello everyone !

Today I’m taking you to a much less crowded and more natural place in California : the Pinnacles National Park. We decided to go there for a hike with my friends as it is not far away from where I live (Monterey) ; it is  located east of the Salinas Valley in Central California.

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A weekend in San Francisco


Hey guys !

After my series of article about my trip to Roma (here is part 1, part 2 and part 3) as well as to the Vatican, I’m taking you to…California ! If you’ve been following me for a little while, you might know that I’m currently living in Monterey for my studies, therefore every weekend is an opportunity to discover new places.

My first road trip was to San Francisco, an amazing city. Let me share with you my discoveries and my pictures. Enjoy !

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Roman holidays (part 1)


After years of wanting to go to Italy, I finally went ! The plane tickets were kind of booked on the spur of the moment with my boyfriend as we finished our exams around the 25th of May but he started his internship on the 1st of June. This was a very small window, but we took the opportunity to travel thanks to Ryan Air and their really reasonable prices.

Several exams and one Airbnb reservation later, we were on the plane to enjoy our first Roman holidays. To my great pleasure, this meant that would be able to speak Italian, take cool pictures, and eat pizza every day (spoiler alert : I totally did!). After having shared my day at the Vatican, here are my pictures from the beautiful city of Rome.

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