A relaxing Saturday in La Rochelle

During what was supposed to be my Easter holidays (but in reality was my revision break before my exams) I went away for the weekend in La Rochelle and L’Île de Ré (Isle of Rhé). So I thought I’d share some pictures I took with you ! Here are the ones I took in La Rochelle, and I will do another article for L’Île de Ré


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Making homemade vegan falafels

After a few days away for the holidays (more on that in a later post), I have decided to share with you my recipe to make falafels ! I love falafels : they are so easy to make, and so delicious.

You can buy them (usually they are in the “bio” or “organic” section of supermarkets) but I find them quite expensive for not many falafels. In addition, there often are many additives and preservatives added in those. So as I love cooking everything from scratch, I thought it would be fun to try to make them myself, and I was delighted with the result.

The strong point of my recipe is that you do not even need any expensive cooking utensils ! Your handstand a fork will be enough.


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Learn to embrace the unexpected : my first 10K !

Sometimes, you start your day as usual, but something can turn it around – whether it is in a good or bad way. This morning, I woke up, drank my lemon infused water, trying to motivate myself to workout. But I was not feeling like doing strength training at home like I usually do. And the sky felt like it was going to be raining soon – despite the fact that my iPhone said it would not rain before noon. But it’s (often) wrong.


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