Low fat vegan eggplant & broccoli curry

What would be a lazy Sunday without making a comforting recipe for lunch as the weather realized it made a mistake and that it was time to bring the rain back in Paris ? That’s the kind of day when you need a hot, delicious, yet simple recipe to make in order to eat it in front of your favorite TV show, all cozied up into a fluffy blanket. How does that sound to you ?


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Homemade oil free crispy potato fries

Good afternoon everyone ! It has been some time since I have posted an article about food, so I thought I would remedy that. It is not a complex recipe that is going to blow your mind though, I have to be honest. It’s just that for the last couple of days, I’ve been obsessed with homemade potato fries, so I thought I’d share with you how I make them, and what I eat them with.


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Making homemade vegan falafels

After a few days away for the holidays (more on that in a later post), I have decided to share with you my recipe to make falafels ! I love falafels : they are so easy to make, and so delicious.

You can buy them (usually they are in the “bio” or “organic” section of supermarkets) but I find them quite expensive for not many falafels. In addition, there often are many additives and preservatives added in those. So as I love cooking everything from scratch, I thought it would be fun to try to make them myself, and I was delighted with the result.

The strong point of my recipe is that you do not even need any expensive cooking utensils ! Your handstand a fork will be enough.


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Polenta patties

So a few weeks ago, I was doing my grocery shopping and I wanted to “up my game” by buying new things. Because let’s be honest, by going once a week grocery shopping, who’s got time to make a different list each time ?! But there comes a time when you become fed up with tortilla, pasta or rice (sounds familiar ?)

So there I was, wandering in the many departments of the shop I usually do my grocery shopping in, trying to find the new food that would excite my taste buds. I had time – being a student with a rather light timetable, I had the luxury of going on a Monday morning, so it was really calm and actually enjoyable – so I did not rush myself. And there, I found some polenta. I used to pass by it without really considering buying it because I had no idea how to cook it. but I thought that buying it would actually force me to google some recipe ideas… And so I did.

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