On role models & why not being able to choose what you like is a good thing

pexels-photo-185801Good afternoon fellow readers !

The other day I stumbled upon a quote by Aristotle saying “knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  This really struck a chord because I believe that too few people actually know themselves. Sure, you might be able to identify your favorite meal, color or season, but here I’m talking about what really constitutes you as a person at a much deeper level.

If we think about it, from the age of 3 or so, we’re in school, and most of our time is spent there. Sure, we have our weekends and holidays free until we start getting homework to do, so we are in a sense free to play what we want. During those time, we can let our nature express itself.

However, too quickly, responsibilities and daily worries arise and constrain our true self. We try to build our identities around role models – whether they are at school, work or celebrities – and act in a way that would make us closer to them.

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Don’t play the tourist ! How to embrace local cultures when traveling

pexels-photo-297755.jpegHi everyone !

Today is an exciting post as I announced on my Facebook page. I’m publishing my first collaboration on a joint article, how exciting ! Being both fond of travels, Lisa and I have decided to write for you guys an article giving you tips to better enjoy your holidays abroad and embrace the local culture and diversity once you’re there. I strongly suggest that you check out her blog From Dream to Plan here – I feel like you’ll definitely recognize that we share the same vibe and interests.

The magic of a travel is built through your choices, your activities, but also your behavior. Be nice and respectful of where you go ; be curious and engage with as many things and people as you can. Traveling can be such a rich experience, so be sure to enjoy it to the fullest. Here are our tips. Please, do share yours in the comments !

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The power of yet versus the tyranny of now: why we need to balance the carpe diem adage


We are often told that we should not live in the anticipation. We must let go of our fears of, and for the future in order to live in the now. You know, carpe diem and all that stuff.

While I do not want to contradict this idea, I think it is also interesting to consider the opposite view : think in the long(er) term instead of constantly being nagged by the responsibilities of the day.

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Is consumption free happiness for you ?


The trend now is to contribute to the “slow” movement. We can see it everywhere : slow food, slow fashion etc… It is not really difficult to understand its success when we look at the age of crazy consumerism that we are currently living in: fast food, fast fashion, scheduled obsolescence, burn outs…

Speed has become on of the most important medium of communication in our lives today. And like everything else, it is confronted to a counter movement.

Within this age of mass consumption, a lot of people are starting to suffocate and support slow trends and minimalism. Not only it will save you money, it will also leave you more time and make you happier. Interested ?

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Save money to have more fun ! My top 12 activities to have a frugal fun winter


With Winter here and Valentines Day right around the corner, I thought that it would be the perfect time to share with you guys some of my favorite activities. However, with Christmas and the New Year, you might have spent more money that you wanted to on gifts, so here’s the twist : why not try having frugal fun ?

Even if it is always nice to go out and treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee, or a dinner with friends, or even a movie, I would like to remind you of the possibility to spend time with your loved one without having to spend a dime. More fun for less money : now how does that sound ?

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